Varicose Vein Treatment

Varicose veins are twisted, enlarged veins that protrude from the surface of your skin. They’re most common on the legs. Weak or faulty one-way valves cause them.

The first step in varicose veins treatment Adelaide is to have a medical exam. Your doctor will ask about any recent illnesses and other health problems. You should also tell your doctor about your medications, especially aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin IB), or naproxen sodium.


varicose vein treatment AdelaideSclerotherapy, along with surgery and radiofrequency ablation, is one method for treating varicose veins. It is done in your doctor’s office and involves injecting a chemical (called a sclerosant) into the blood vessels to make them shrink.

Your doctor will mark the area for injections with ultrasound scanning. They will then inject the medicine into the vein under local anaesthetic. You will need several treatment sessions.

You may need to wear compression stockings after your procedure. Brown lines or spots on the skin may appear where the injections were injected, but these usually fade within a few months. You must also see your doctor a few weeks after the procedure and again several months later. This is to ensure that the treated varicose veins do not reopen.

Endovenous ablation

This minimally invasive ultrasound-guided procedure seals varicose veins without removing them. It is a quick and painless treatment for most patients. The treated vein will reabsorb naturally over time. You must avoid heavy exercise and lifting for one week after EVLA. The most common complication is thrombophlebitis, a small blood clot that forms in the affected vein. This is usually mild and responds to NSAIDs and compression hosiery. Occasionally the heat from the EVLA treatment can damage nerves alongside the varicose vein.

EVLT is much less invasive than ligation and stripping, the treatments of choice for years. This procedure is performed in your doctor’s office, and general anesthesia is not required. Symptoms associated with varicose veins improve immediately after the treatment, and they will disappear over time as the diseased veins are replaced by scar tissue.

Laser treatment

Laser treatment uses a narrow laser beam to obliterate unsightly veins on the surface of your skin. The body naturally absorbs the vein remnants, and you’ll notice results within a few weeks. To prepare for laser treatment, avoid wearing a tan and apply a skin-bleaching cream before the procedure.

Varicose veins are enlarged, twisted blood vessels that appear in the legs and have a bluish-purple discolouration. They develop when one-way valves in the veins fail to function correctly, causing blood to pool and pressure within the veins to increase.

Varicose vein treatment Adelaide can be treated with a variety of procedures. These include sclerotherapy and surgery, which can provide effective long-term outcomes. Sclerotherapy works best for small varicose veins. Surgery can be used to remove more prominent varicose veins.

Compression hosiery

Compression hosiery is a simple and inexpensive treatment for varicose veins and other circulatory problems. It helps improve blood flow to the leg muscles, preventing symptoms such as swelling and pain. It also reduces the risk of venous leg ulcers, which may require surgery to treat.

Hosiery is available in several styles, including knee-high and thigh-high stockings and pantyhose. Medical-grade stockings are typically prescribed by a doctor and provide more excellent compression. They are often covered by insurance. Patients should wash their stockings daily and check them for damage or irritation. They should also avoid rubbing or squeezing their legs while wearing them. They should also remove their stockings to allow the air to circulate correctly. They should also keep their socks clean and dry to prevent skin irritation.

Varicose veins are caused by faulty vein valves that prevent blood from flowing back to the heart. This leads to swollen and twisted veins that are often bluish. They can also cause painful symptoms such as aching, swelling and itching of the legs.

There are several different treatments for varicose veins, including sclerotherapy and endothermal ablation. A chemical is injected into the varicose vein during sclerotherapy to damage and scar it. This procedure usually works best for small varicose veins.

Varicose Vein Treatment Adelaide

Varicose vein treatment Adelaide involves several different procedures. Many over-the-counter supplements and home remedies claim to treat varicose vein symptoms, but they mask the condition rather than address it.

Varicose veins are enlarged and twisted vessels that have a bluish-purple discolouration. They develop when vein valves fail to work correctly.

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